Hey everyone, glad to see $00pah's been doin' so well. Thanks a bunch for the daily and weekly awards! I should point out the edit I made to the video description: To those of you with questions, I can assure you all of them can easily be answered in the scene selection. By clicking the "?" next to each scene's icon, an info-screen will pop-up showing who animated it, who wrote it, who did voices in it and what music was used in it. Richie and I worked hard on the menu to make sure that all of these typical questions could be easily answered, so give the scene select a gander for all of the answers you seek!
Also, those've you who're disappointed about the lack of easter eggs, you should know that I DID make a couple, but due to a bunch of factors they were eventually decided against being implemented. However, I put 'em both together into a quick file to see for those who might be interested. Check out the $00pah NiN10Doh! Easter Eggs, right here! The first was a quick joke Chris came up with about Stafy, while the second was based off a "review" Psy did on Sonic Chronicles a while back.
Lastly, just for the sake of mentioning, there were quite a few segments that were never completed or included for various reasons. Worth mentioning, Marcello (who was part of the previous NiN10Doh!) was a bit into the two-part Bomberman segment that involved White Bomber at an airport and trying to find a way to make his business meeting on time, which would've also involved Pommy & MAX. Cycon was also brought on board early on to do an "Earthbound meets South Park" two-part segment with Ness being assigned his "quest", then all four of the kids partway into the adventure of Mother 2. Due to Cel being incredibly busy with school and Cycon even more busy managing several businesses, the two couldn't make the deadline, however they put forth a ton of interest in the project and were very cool to be involved with either. So thanks both of you guys for giving it a shot and good luck in the future! There was also a Punch-Out! segment that WAS fully animated, but I decided to remove it due it...simply NOT being funny at all. Then lastly, I myself fully animated a Megaman Battle Network segment, which was to be included in the final product, however for personal reasons I decided to disinclude it. Hopefully you guys'll understand the changes and still enjoy the final version despite the missing pieces.
Currently I'm still working on the Parody Rangers Movie, of which PART 2: "Planet Buut2dahed" is doing pretty well. I've gotten a decent amount of progress busted outta the way within the Christmas vacation and am still continuing to work on it now. Be sure to check out the blog for screenshots, I'll be adding plenty over the next couple months. Worth mentioning is that the Movie MAY end up having to be done in -4- parts instead of 3. I went back and removed a few things that I felt just...didn't need to be there, but even so PART 2 runs about 18 minutes alltogether. Don't quote me on it yet since I still have to work it out, but either case I -will- be finishing the movie in its entirety.
Also when school starts back up again, I'll be getting into the animation process of "There Was This One Time", my two minute 2nd year final project. I'll be working on it during my main animation class and that should be released around late-April to early-May.
Then, as far as future projects go, I mentioned that I have a LOT in store. There's a big project in particular I'm getting really excited about. As stated before, $00pah NiN10Doh!'s my last video game parody and Parody Rangers will be my final parody/NG-centric cartoon. I'm sure I'll be submitting my future works to NG for you guys to check out in either case, but hopefully one of those projects will be going places far beyond just the interbutt. "There Was This One Time" will be my first fully original ground-up cartoon being submitted to NG for you guys to see, but $00pah NiN10Doh! introduced a few good people I'll be working with in the future on something even bigger...
$00pah was a great excercise for me as a director, overseeing production and animation by several partners in a larger-scale project, as opposed to going solo on Parody Rangers. I've gotta give everyone on board their props. A few of the collaborators such as Joey, the Zirbes Bros. and Dorn are artists that the NG community is very familiar with, a few of which are people I'm glad to've worked with as I've admired their work before -I- even touched Flash, so that was a big honor. Then Zach, who's been a longtime irl friend of mine from High School, was great to work with even on the first one. He works really hard and has a lot of aspirations just like I do. Currently he's working on a fully original cartoon called "Sunday Night Fun" which you guys'll hear more about from me later on ;]
Further still, are a quarter of folks who I'll be working very closely with on what I hope will be my biggest project yet!
-Mike Ruocco I met as a suitemate in College for my first year at the School of Visual Arts. He's an absolute mastermind of animation trivia and know-how. The segments he did for $00pah NiN10Doh! aren't EVEN his best work; he's got skills that are outstanding and is incredibly good at traditional handrawn animation complete with good ol' paper and a lightbox. He's also got lots of animation projects in the works and I hope NG'll get to see 'em!
-David Smith was cool enough to seek ME out during production on the first NiN10Doh!, after which I was blown away by how smooth his character animation is. I was really excited to give him the two Starfox parts this time around, of which he exceeded my expectations on. He's an accomplished artist and director in his own, leading his own animation team at his art school down in Australia for a short film called "Begone, Little Wolf".
-Pierre Jackson, I swear to god I just kinda..."discovered" this dude on the portal one day, after seeing a work-in-progress animation he did of Kirby fighting King Dedede. I sought him out and invited him aboard $00pah, which he was all for, seriously. He was incredibly passionate and into the project, to where he completed his segments essentially before anyone else on board and constantly was checking up on how the progress was doing. His coloring and lineart is gorgeous and he did some of my favorite segments in the collab, along with the Starfox pieces.
-Cory Holmes was originally going to be on board the previous NiN10Doh! but sadly we had some technical difficulties. I wanted to try and find a way for him to be involved this time, which I'm glad an oppourtunity came up. Cory studies animation very closely, particularly the works of Don Bluth, which you may not be able to tell from his Warioware animation, but he goes absolutely NUTS on how many amazing drawings he does. He's also got a pilot episode for his own series in the works too!
All four of these fine fellows in particular I'll be doing some, hopefully, great stuff with in the future and I'm glad to've met them. They're some of the nicest people you'll ever meet, I can't emphasize that enough, are all incredibly talented. I think what we can accomplish together will really impress some folks out there :]
wow im really excited about these projects :)