but luis aint.
Animation Artist, creator of over 100 pieces of Flash animation on and offline. Graduate of the School of Visual Arts, Class of 2011.
Age 36, Male
Animation Artist
School of Visual Arts
New York
Joined on 7/21/04
but luis aint.
First off, I thought $oopah NiN10Doh! kicked ass. Just wanted to say that.
Anyways, it's good to hear that you're really starting to get into gear with future projects and wrapping up (or at least nearing that point) current ones. I think It'll be very interesting to see what comes down the line following Parody Rangers and One Time. Also, It's good to see that connections are being made with people and aritsts that can help to co-produce great stuff. Having additional help with animation can really add a sort of Zing to a regular movie and turn it into something really worthwhile, not only for the viewers, but also for everybody involved in the making of it. So I do believe that I'm greatly anticipating whatever comes next. Good luck in finishing off Parody Rangers-you'll probably need it.
I have seen almost all of your movies (And voted 5's on all of them) except TTA which im working on. XP $00pah Nin10doh! was awesome! Cant wait for the new parody rangers!
I would like to say that i thought "$00pah Nin10doh" was thoroughly well animated, there is no argument about that. However the humour was lacking, and some parts even disturbing. The anthropomorphic pokémon for example, but to each his own i guess.
The current description of your upcoming projects sounds promising, and hopefully you could show some previews of them after your work on the Parody Rangers is finished.
Good luck with your work (and megami ;) )
You are The Best!!!!
You truly are one of the best flash artists; HELL! MAYBE EVEN THE VERY BEST!
Soopah Nin10doh was the most epic collab I've ever seen....Everytime I think of Nintendo, I'll think of that!
You are the man. Rock on.
great job on $00pah NiN10Doh! man. it was a masterpiece :)
dude, the zelda and kirby skit are HILARIOUS. did a perfect job.
please...PLEASE...no stupid ass pokemon/creature porn. it's scary. and low.
seriously though...i can't stress how amazing that zelda skit is. loved the voices, and the animations are probably some of the best i've seen, especially the facial expressions.
i see........hey ill send u a link to some of my art work and see if u like it and if u do may we work together on sa collab i mean threw the comp ill make a segment and then we put all the segments together?i am a artist :D also is ur signatur pciture like a human or U versio nof link?
$00pah NiN10Doh was awesome, not much to comment on that. Too bad there won't be any follow-up, but I guess it isn't that bad. Making stuff solely for awards makes no sense either, eh?
One thing I'd like to ask though; The trophies at the ending scene of NiN10Doh looked like some really fine artwork, why not make a wallpaper of it? (or atleast upload the full picture?) It passed kinda fast in the movie and quite some people would like to see it fully... =)
You crazy bastard. XD That';s why everyone loves ya! Your so well organized and detailed in your animations. :3
ur a good news writer
Does oopah nintendo really have exsessive nudity? Because the first didn't have any...
Meh. The only thing that kinda ruined it for me was the PokePorn. But the rest was pretty funny, including the easter eggs. You keep this work up, your gunna be NewGround's next Egoraptor. Go, Team Kirbypher!
I recently watched alot of your older workd and I enjoyed it, though $00pah is probably the best so far... Great job to everyone who was a part of it.
Yes, this has nothing to do with the subject.
But i've been wondering for a long time now...
Why did you cancel the 4th season of TTA?
It was just starting to get good!!!
It was my favorite of all of your work!!!
And did they shut down TvTome.com? The site on which the series was born?
I have a recorder now so I can do voice acting if thats what you need... ;D
This isn't about your news, but I need to tell you something that you and the other makers of the first $00pah NiN10doh! need to know. I just saw two movies called $00pah NiN10doh! 2 and $00pah NiN10doh! 3 made by someone else. whats so terrible about that? The two movies are TERRIBLE, they DISGRACE you and your friends work. I actually said that if you and your friends saw it, you and your friends would have a heart attack and die if you saw it because it was so terrible.
this also has nothing to do with the news, but I was wondering. Why did you stop doing the TTA series?
ur skinny