I RETURN. Just finished up AnimeNEXT and Wizard World Phili, both of which were not just conventions, they were privaledges!
Ironically, in the last post, people seemed to misinterpret my mentioning of "Convention Appearances" as if I was chalking myself up to be a guest or something of any importance...but funnily enough, I ended up sort of getting guest-like opportunities at BOTH of these cons! It was a huge honor on both accounts :]
At AnimeNEXT, when I wasn't rollin' with the SMA Crew, recording videos and plugging the hell out of them at every turn, I went to a few different panels. One of which, was an Abridged Panel where the fine folks at yugiohabridged.com had LittleKuriboh himself over Skype to answer questions from people. The people running the panel, out of NOWHERE, asked me to come up and be PART of the panel roster! I've gotten pretty aqquainted with LK since his cameo in the 1st Part of the Parody Rangers movie, so I made a point to be at his panel and show some support. When I was put up there, I was alongside a few other random Abridgers...and obviously since I don't do YouTube parodies the only things I had to say in that respect was that I did a few random voices for DBZA and SMA. But I started listing off a few of the flash projects I had done on NG and this crowd FULL of people had a gigantic response to each one! I was blown away. A bunch of others from the audience came up to me after the panel was over to ask questions, I took a picture or two, gave an autograph to someone, I could NOT believe it. LK and the others from the site thanked me for joining them, what a huge honor, seriously. Check out a few of the other photos I took here.
Then this past weekend at Wizard World, Mike Ruocco and I took a road trip from Long Island to Philidelphia for the Friday of that convention. After walking right past Lou Farigno 5 seconds after we get to the con (DERP.) we went on a search for the Newgrounds booth and in going the wrong way, ran into HappyHarry, who pointed us in the right direction. All of the big guns were there of course, with a SURPRISE TOMAR I WAS LIKE HOMAIGAAAAD. We all just chilled out at the booth for like 3-4 hours, conversing with our new and old allies, drawin' up a storm with our sketchbooks. Spoke with Tom about some upcoming stuff I'm veeeery excited about AND was approached by lots of people that had seen my stuff before! They were really nice :] Then afterward, when the con center closed down for the night, we headed out for a walk and went to a Bar/Restaurant with tons of awesome bobbleheads everywhere. Me, Mike, Josh, Harry, later joined by Ego, Stamper & Swain, just shot the shit for a few more hours talkin' about all sorts of animation banter. Headed back home afterward, wish we could've stayed for the whole weekend, but I accomplished what I needed to do and thankfully Mike had a good time so I didn't waste his time and gas comin' out there.
To everyone at both conventions that came up and had some nice things to say about Parody Rangers and NiN10Doh! etc, if you happen to come across this, thanks so much :] Also thanks everyone from NG for showin' us such a good time and hope to see y'all at SDCC.
Richie, Psy and I of TEAM KRONECKER DELTAAAAA are continuing to work on our Power of 3 Game. We've made some good progress lately: The script for all of the cutscenes have been written, the character designs are finalized now, we've just begun the voice casting for our lead character (good luck, girls!) and the levels are coming along. Psy continues to score...music, Richie continues to code and I'm happy to say I'm continuing to draw. This game really got me off my feet and back into an artistic flow. I've been working as hard as I can the past several weeks to write, draw and just CREATE overall.
Look forward to our game later on, we're really puttin' our all into it :]
Lastly, I figured it wouldn't hurt to put this out here as well.
Currently, things are pretty rough. I'm trying to work as much as possible so I continue going to school, but without getting too personal, conditions are making it difficult to continue forward. As I usually plug on these things, I take drawing commissions on DeviantArt. ANY cash you can throw my way would be greatly appreciated and I'm always more than willing to draw some pics for people (Kirbopher1111@gmail.com is my Paypal address). I'm sorry if this sounds desperate, but desperate times call for such, so hopefully you guys'll understand. Thanks and hope you guys'll stick with me!
dude i just missed you by one day!
you should have been there when i presented Ego with my statue dedicated to his work; he looked like he almost cried XD
i got a free commission, calender, and snow lucy Dvd because of that!
well i gtg, i got a lot of work ahead of me!
D'aww that's awesome :]