Hey everyone, still keepin' productive. Gotta few things to plug, one which is a big deal for me and a few friends of mine actually...we started a podcast!
Where myself, Chris Zito and Mike Ruocco get together and discuss various things in animation. We've often had conversations about the creative side of things for the animation world, anywhere from series to feature films and beyond...so I figured "hey, we're just as reputable or non-reputable as anyone else who can start a podcast! Let's do our own!" For our first episode we talked about what we consider to be strong main characters in animated series, a few examples being Flapjack, Chowder, Monkey D. Luffy, Sam & Max, Mulan and a few others here and there. Since it was our first, we more than likely had a few technical problems in recording, but hopefully whatever they might be I'll be made aware of in the feedback and can watch out for in our upcoming episodes, of which I have plenty of ideas for ;]
Check it out right here at the Toon Platoon Blogspot, hope you enjoy it!
There Was This One Time is making good progress, I've been working on it for several hours straight during my Teusday Animation class to make sure time is set aside for it specifically every week. I finished up the dinky little one-shot assignment for another class of mine, the one I mentioned related to Parody Rangers. Due to the time constraints it just didn't end up being of the quality I wanted, so I probably won't be uploading that. It's nothing incredibly important anyway, so you guys aren't missing anything. Same subject as the Rangers though, I gotta get back to work on the Movie again soon, still a LONG way to go for Part 2. I gotta finish up a quick animation for a collab I'm part of too, but that shouldn't take too long. I'm just glad I'm constantly working on stuff, the break was fine but I really need to stay productive.
Lastly, NG voice actress: Francine Louise (Dixie Kong & Female Pokemon Trainer in $00pah NiN10Doh!) is starting a collab related to the Legend of Zelda and is looking for people to join aboard. If you're interested, check out her blog page about it and ask her for details. Thanks :]
Also good luck to everyone competing in the Tank Awards!
coolness, I'll check it out.....oh I love your flashes btw ^___^