First off, I'm really sorry that $00pah NiN10Doh!'s been delayed so many times. I have everything I need to officially complete it, all I need is the right technical set-up and it'll be out as soon as I can add in the final few pieces it needs. It's absolutely amazing and I hope you'll enjoy it when it hits the portal!
Hope everyone had an awesome holiday and continue to enjoy their vacation, if they happen to have one like myself and several friends. Got lots of time to work on my projects, currently with the goal of working on the Parody Rangers Movie at least once a day, for whatever amount of time. Plenty of other stuff in the works, but it's good to have focus with not much pressure for the time being.
In celebration of my 20th b-day, I worked on another gigantic picture, which I actually finished prior to the big TTA Cast poster, with a whole slew of familiar characters of mine on the cover. Folks from the more commonly-known Parody Rangers, TTA, GameSavers to smaller-scale stuff like my Blu-N-Grin and Savage Cabbage concepts, plus a few other random characters I threw in there for the hell of it. This picture doesn't have anywhere NEAR the amount of characters I've created throughout my lifetime, but I picked a good number of ones to draw for the poster and I'm glad with how it came out, kind of a throwback to the absolutely amazing 20th Anniversary Megaman poster from a while ago.
Also for those who might be interested, the podcast "Wha-Chow!" is back to being around, with myself being there since it started up again from Episode 63. A few members of the Parody Rangers cast are often included in the episode, as Psyguy (voice of Renaldo) is the host of the show. People seem to be entertained by all of us screwing around on Skype, since it's been doing well for the site, so give 'em a download if you're interested!
That'll do it for now, thanks for stickin' with me!
Grats on the big 2-0 and great poster :)