Animation Artist, creator of over 100 pieces of Flash animation on and offline. Graduate of the School of Visual Arts, Class of 2011.

Chris Niosi @Kirbopher

Age 36, Male

Animation Artist

School of Visual Arts

New York

Joined on 7/21/04

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The Truth About Go! Go! Parody Rangers.

Posted by Kirbopher - August 31st, 2008

[This was originally a post on the Parody Rangers Movie Production Blog but I'm reposting it here for convenience. The Movie's current completion progress is about 80%]

Late into my 11th Grade year in High School, I began thinking of a new concept for a flash movie after realizing pretty far in that my previous series wasn't being very successful. Wanting to do something slightly more advanced than moving sprites around on a battle grid shooting pixelated projectiles at each other, I looked at something that would also be more appealing to Newgrounds, which was where I continued to post my flash movies since I first started in 2004. After listening to some funny clips recorded by Egoraptor, I got inspired and realized that Power Rangers hadn't really been spoofed in cartoon form on Newgrounds. Dragonball Z, Mario and Sonic dominated the parody department for a good long while and I had always been a huge Power Rangers fan as a kid, so I figured I'd give it a shot.

Wanting to start basic with the use of "character models" along the style of other graphics within Newgrounds movies, as well as many flash-based cartoons on [Adult Swim], I designed the Rangers before the summer of 2006 began and conceptualized the overall movie. I wrote up the script, casted everybody with some of the best voices I could depend on from the previous project I worked on, along with Egoraptor who was kind enough to join the cast with his intepretation of Zordon & Alpha 5. I designed each of the Rangers with something specific to focus on in the animation, such as Meat's muscle structure, Chan's anime character-like movements, or Pinky's...assets, all of which later came VERY much in handy for when I started to fully animate the characters in the current movie.

Three installments later with a decent amount of success, it was a good ride and meant a lot to me to recieve any sort of recognition on Newgrounds for the first time. However, it hasn't come without its mistakes in the process. My first mistake with the series as a whole was having such a specific set audience in mind from the beginning. With production of an actual cartoon for broadcast for instance, your audience is definitely something to consider, but not in the same way, since this ended up causing a few other issues. My second mistake, going off of that, was the "style" of humor that I ended up depending on. My whole approach at "marketting" Parody Rangers 1 started with promoting Egoraptor doing a large amount of voice acting in it, as well as the use of several jokes from the previously linked clips. Then, to add fuel to the fire, my obsession at the time with various internet memes from a few certain websites didn't quite help.

The three movies continued to be less and less about spoofing Power Rangers and more about jokes along those lines in order to "appease" the niche on Newgrounds that I had drawn in. Since the Feature movie is a direct adaptation of the Power Rangers movie with Ivan Ooze, I think it goes back to the "roots" of the original idea being to poke at Power Rangers, all in good fun, but still with plenty of "those kind" of jokes that some people still enjoy as well. For both sides of that spectrum I think there's more than enough to entertain, very much also in thanks to my amazing voice cast that just make everything a thousand times funnier than what I actually write...because to be honest, I don't look back on any of the 3 installments, or even this current feature and genuinely think I'm ANY sort of expert on comedy. At all.

In either case...and this applies to anything I make and put out for people to see, the point is to entertain. If the audience that exists gets a kick out of it, THAT'S what matters regardless of what my thoughts are. The Feature Movie is essentially an explosion of all things Parody Rangers are known for; this is both a good thing and a bad thing. However, I can simply hope that everyone who watches it will just take it for what it is. Then, once I'm finished with the entire thing I can move on to, what I can also hope will be, bigger and better things. Still, I think it's important for any artist or creator to accept older works as themself being at that stage during that point in time. Even if they weren't necassarily "Good" stages, I feel that way about both TTA and Go! Go! Parody Rangers now, even with the latter still technically going on. It's prettymuch all I can do.


Can we get a expected release date???

Part 1 will be out by Mid-September, there's only one scene left to be animated. Subscribe to the blog for updates.

Mario > Jesus

I think you're a little hard on yourself, but still I think this movie's gonna be sweet :).

Like galazor said. Your too hard on yourself. Your a great animator and you are really hilarious. Good luck on the first part.

It's more a matter of stating facts as opposed to me being "hard" on myself.

Does this post basically say no more TTA? Cuz I REALLY liked that series, and wanna see it wrapped up in the season 4 that never did come out yet. Just saying, cause you have the enemies, new cast, even the opening is out on the website, so why don't you can give old fans one last season, to end the series, and with a bang?

Listen to Episode 54.
http://www.fireball20xl.com/wha-c how/

Young Grasshopper is most good at the flashing of the movies


sorry I just had to do that

This will be slighly off topic.
I've seen most of your animations, adn I trully belive that you have reaal good animation skills. and that is only going to get better as you do more. I really see you having a great animation carear, if thats what you chose to pursue.
On topic
I think your Go Go parady Rangers where great, I laghed so hard the first time i saw them, that i coulded breath...and i still crack up every time i see them. Like I said earlyer, you have great skills, I wish you the best of luck. Peace out! XD

you rock kirbopher and to the people that want tta he already said a long time ago he was not finishing it as much as i want him to finish it he wants to do something else for instance the Soopah nin10doh so i had to say that but you rock manoh and i cant figure out how to subscribe to the blog help me plz?

So thats the backstory,i thought it was the easter egg in one of the aweome flashes,you know when Zordon has to take a dump?

No, that was made afterward, but the clips on SheezyArt were made prior to GGPR1.

Does this mean you are never going to finish TTA.

That is a joke don't take it like I mean it. I know it annoys you.

Anyways how is school going. I know you are going for animation, learn anything new that you are going to put in this new movie.

I see that you're not going to finish TTA.
But that's alright. Cause your making GGPR !
Btw, I've already heard to that Episode 54 thing. So don't bother telling me to listen to it xD

Sir, the Parody Rangers series has been amazing in the eyes of everyone of Newgrounds. It's why it got all those awards. You may think that you didn't do very well, but they were overseen by the community and they loved it. *I* loved it. You inspired me to animate with the 1st Parody Rangers. I never really went through with the entire TTA series. But Parody Rangers was incredible. Is incredible. Even Brawl Taunts, though obviously isn't as good as GGPR. It's what you did that you think you did wrong, that made it right. If that makes sense.

dude parody rangers is the all time best power rangers parody i've ever seen.and i hope to see the movie with ivan ooze in it.when will it come out

NOt so important crap: So your not doing season 4... well your doing college so i get you. And, yeah, i sat through all 41 minutes (46 really) of episode 54 of wha-chow (i didnt even know that that little talk show or whatever it is existed)

a little more important crap: So yea, Ive basically been advertising parody rangers around my school that way more people will be psyched about part one of the movie. Hope it gets popular because im a serious fan of your work man (not that im anyone that you need to worry about). Anyways, my self esteem aside, I hope everything turns out alright for you.

Good luck with all your crap.

this will probly be weird, but do you have any form of instant messenger? :D im a huge fan of most of your work. ^-^ sucks that you aint gonna finish TTA *puts on kirbopher1111 home made costum and does the kirby dance* lol, so like it's awsome your gonna finish the GGPR seires. cant wait for that vid. :D

Yo dude, I'm one of your biggest fans. Not to jump off topic and all, but your videos and what not are amazing! Heck, I can watch More Brawl Taunts 60 times, I won't get bored.

"When you are designing something, you should really create it for others. This will make your project benefit. On the contrary, if you make it for yourself you only have youself to please. You may think it is the best in the world but it may not impress others."
I heard that from my Design and Technology teacher earlier this year. It has always stuck with m and now whenever i want to make something, i always try to find someone who wants it first. You have lived to this statement as you have made something the public wants. (am i rambling?)

(sorry for the double post but i have a question i forgot to ask)

1. When do you expect the GGPR movie to be finished altogether (all parts)
2. When do you plan to start your new series that i've been reading about on DeviantArt?

1. Hopefully sometime this CENTURY.
2. Hopefully sometime after that century has passed.

I WISH I was joking...

Same here. That 'Game Savers' project seems quite interesting.

Wow! u know how many hours of the day u r using? I also cant believe it takes so long to make a flash like yours. I also want to ask u questons.
1.do u think u can make an game that is as good as your movies. (Like "Artis Rumble" a battle againt the awsome artist of newgrounds like u!
2.are going make a newgrounds related flash
3 and dont u think a hi class artist cause on your site it says u r still a novice

That is all please respond.