So, question about the voice actors. Are you not able to contact those who played the other characters (Flamegirl, Gamecrazed, Nylocke)? I mean, not that the current ones were of any problem, I'm just a diehard fan (who can't spend any money for a fan character ;_;) and really enjoyed the old voice actors. GameCrazed just doesn't sound near the same to me, out of the three.
I obviously won't complain about your own voice or Alpha's ('cause they're awesome).
And another thing, the first episode seems to go through roughly the first... 3 episodes of the "beta" version of TOME. But why is it that Alpha isn't exactly treated as though he's a newbie like he was in the original series? That part of it seemed a little rushed into, what with everyone knowing his name, he seems to have a tighter friendship with Flamegirl than Kirbopher, etc.
But meh. Just fanboy questions, sorry for bothering you. G'luck on your next episode!
P.S. I'm also kinda into voice acting. Been wanting to try it, but I only have a mic that comes with my laptop and I dunno how good the quality is. Know any good ways to test and record things? I'd like to try voice acting for TTA someday if ever possible. ^_^
hmmm... 11 dollars could either get me a pizza or one of my brainfarts stuck in your remake, tough call