The part about the conflicting thoughts over parodies is where I'm at, actually. On one hand, I should really concentrate on original material and set up a demo reel if I want to do animation as a profession, (like, I should get this demo reel ready to rock SOON.) and on the other, I genuinely have fun making what I even refer to as "unoriginal crap." But to hear the reason that such a talented animator such as yourself keeps doing it because they're FUN to do is refreshing to me. I guess it's because I have a blast when I do them to, and I have a tendency to get stressed out of projects I put too much of myself into. :/
Can't wait to scope out 64! The best of luck on your thesis!
Wow! How exciting! $00pah NiN10Doh was one of the most funniest flashes I've ever seen, and since it was nominated for a tank award, imagine what the sequel would be like! Thanks, man!
Oh shit $00pah was nominated? Where's the Tank Award page, I hadn't even realized.