Holy crap! Finally! This is going to be so awesome! PARODY RANGERS RULE ^_^!!!
Animation Artist, creator of over 100 pieces of Flash animation on and offline. Graduate of the School of Visual Arts, Class of 2011.
Age 36, Male
Animation Artist
School of Visual Arts
New York
Joined on 7/21/04
Holy crap! Finally! This is going to be so awesome! PARODY RANGERS RULE ^_^!!!
Sky Diving Woooooo
Holy crap, that movie was so terrible that a parody of it can only be a masterpiece of cinema history.
$5 says you are KoTP next round.
You held auditions for Evan Splooge two months ago! CRAP
Anyway, good luck on your project, been a fan of the series since GGPR 2.
Oh WAOW can't wait.
One thing though, number 3 says last one.
Maybe its like FullMetal Alchamest, they do it all and then make the movie!
Awsome job on your movies kirb I really enjoy watching your work as well as many others who put their all into making it. I'm not too much a fan of the wingers I prefer the ones with talent and experence.
Sw33t deal! Updates ahoy! I can't wait until its out and I have this to say.... A WHOLE hour!? SHIT~1 O,O /shock/
What's shocking is the OTHER rangers movie.... All I can remember now is being molested by a monkey pay-niss...... *shudder*
AWESOME the pardoy rangers movie ^^
BUT.....2 questions....
1. Are there gonna be anymore TTA episodes?
love all ur work kirb...keep it up!
Kirb stopped making TTA because it wasn't getting him anything, compared to GGPR which did. (Correct?)
Anyway, can't wait for the movie to come out Kirbopher, looks awesome :D
do you have a myspace? can i be your friend?
hey man i just realised that not only did you make brawl taunts but you also made Parody Rangers ........ you know what this means right?!?! I WILL FOLLOW YOU TO THE END OF THE WORLD and would jump in front of a bullet for you HA HA who needs armor when you have followers that would take a bullet for you. Oh and if i did jump in front of a bullet for you i except i flash dedicated to me, but to be safe don't get front of any bullets please.
Tell Rina i said hi
Who is that person? Kirby?
Are you Rina's bitch? LOL LOL
I know you've said you aren't gonna make any more TTA but... Why make 73 episodes of something, leave a huge cliffhanger at the end of season three, and not finish the last season. You worked on it for three years! But why make only three episdoes of something and be suddenly making a movie.
Besides, haven't you seen those other TTA (The Truth About)s? You need to fix TTA! You must finish it! I want to know what happens! There are plenty of fans you have that still want to see the end of TTA. I like TvTome Adventures better the Go, Go, Parody Rangers! And if people like GGPR!, imagine what they'll think when they look back at TTA, expecting episode 73 to be the end of the show.
Anyway, looking forward to the movie, but more foreward to TTA being completed. Only you can do and get the voices for it. You can draw it and animate it with amazing effort! I will still check for more TTA everyday, and still bug you about it, too.
And if I made any spelling or typing or grammatical errors, it's because I have a band-aid on my finger.
( :: [ ] :: )
Can't wait :D
http://www.fireball20xl.com/wha-c how/
Listen to Episode 54 of "Wha-Chow!"
nice job